Thinking of buying a parakeet for the house? Then it’s advisable that you know of some parakeet behavior traits. The following article deals with exactly that.
Parakeets for the house? A great idea… provided you know about their behavior traits, where they come from, and how to care for them. You can’t go in for a pet simply because you want one, you must know how to administer effective pet care as well. Parakeets are very intelligent, very alert birds, and they require a lot of attention―mainly due to the fact that they are away from their natural environment. In such a scenario, certain distinct characteristics of their behavior might showcase adjustment problems. This article will give you the nuances of parakeet behavior and tell you how to deal with it.
Behavior Problems
When people have parakeets as pets, they usually cannot resist the temptation of training them. But this training can never be done successfully if one is not aware of the behavior. It is important that a parakeet that you’ve just brought into your home, has settled well enough before you train him. Any sooner, and he probably will exhibit strange behavioral patterns. That is why it is important that you administer proper care. Given below are some behavior traits that you might see in your parakeet, and tips on how to deal with them.
Make Him Comfortable
When training a parakeet, it is important that you make sure that the parakeet is absolutely comfortable with you. If he is afraid, he is not going to listen to any of the training instructions you give him. Make sure that he is fed proper food and has been made comfortable around the house.
Non Cooperation
If you find that the parakeet just does not listen to any of your training instructions and is generally not cooperating with you, then it might mean that you are too early in starting your training. It is likely that the parakeet has not yet settled well, so give him time. If however, after a few more days have passed and he’s still not willing to train, change your style of training. Be extremely gentle with him, never angry. Use reinforcements like treats to get him to train. Every time he gets something right, reward him with good words and treats. The behavior will stick for good.
Aggressive Behavior
Many parakeets get extremely aggressive at times. There might be a number of reasons for this. They might nip the owner to convey that they don’t like what they are made to do. Or they might bite to draw your attention away from other things, while some might bite because they are territorial. Aggressive behavior in parakeets is an indication of something disturbing them. So the next time your parakeet gets aggressive, try to find out what is bothering him. If it’s the training technique that you are using then he might repeat the same behavior every time. You need to change it. Don’t linger at his cage so that he does not feel territorial and give him his due of attention. Slowly the biting and nipping will go away.
Screaming for Attention
A screaming parakeet is not very pleasant to be around, no matter how sweet his voice is. Be on the look out for when the parakeet screams. Does it happen when you speak to others? Or are not in the room? You need to be firm but not abusive. Shouting at the bird won’t do either. Make sure you talk to the bird often, because he needs the assurance that you are there for him and that your attention has not been divided. Sometimes ignoring those screams works, but not if the bird has a wild tenacity and keeps screaming. Set aside some time everyday that you spend exclusively with the bird.
Feather Plucking
Feather plucking is a common sign of birds that are kept in captivity. If your parakeet has started doing that, it means he is not adjusting well to the cage or the bird house that you’ve provided. To get help in this case, make sure that the cage is as close to the wild habitat as possible. Include a lot of things like wood perches, proper food etc. Also, make sure that the parakeet is let out of the cage at least once a day. If possible, get a pair of parakeets so that your pet does not suffer from loneliness.
Keeping parakeets as pets is not all sun and glory. One has to be responsible enough to take on the task with love and affection. You need to handle their behavioral traits well and always remember that they are not in their natural environment. Therefore, providing love and giving them a good home is your responsibility. If you don’t think you are capable of doing what it takes, do not go in for pets.