Budgies are lovely birds that make wonderful pets. This article provides information on the life span of budgies.
Unbelievably Splendiferous Facts About Parrots
Many parrots like macaws, Amazon parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, and cockatoos are kept as pets and have been popular companions throughout history
Unbelievable Facts About Ostrich Eggs – The Largest in the World
Other than being the largest living bird, the ostrich also boasts of eggs which are the largest of the extant species of birds. However, if you
Things You Always Wanted to Know About Keeping Owls as Pets
Owls are wild birds of prey, similar to eagles and vultures. They have very different personalities, which can make them unsuitable to be kept as
Ostrich Facts for Kids
Did you know that the egg of an ostrich is the largest among the living species of birds? Or that the ostrich burying its head in the ground is just a
Injured Bird – What to Do
It is not everyday that we come across an injured bird but when we do, there is this big question, what to do? Most veterinarians advise not to feed
Thinking of Keeping Ducks as Pets? Here’s What You SHOULD Know
You often see ducks and admire them, but have you ever thought of keeping them as pets? Ducks can be found everywhere except Antarctica. They are
What Do Hawks Eat? Well, You’ll Be Surprised
The eating habits of a hawk are influenced by several factors, including the species in question, native habitat, availability of prey, and so on.
We Outline the Complete Process of How to Hatch Duck Eggs
Hatching duck eggs can be an interesting as well as rewarding task. This article provides some information about the procedure.